Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to explain how NTT sonority, Inc. (hereinafter, “the Company” or “we”) collects, processes, and discloses to third parties Personal Information about you when you use the nwm Connect application (hereinafter, “nwm Connect”) and the services provided through nwm Connect (collectively, “the Services”).

In the event of an inconsistency between this Policy and any privacy policy the Company may separately publish, this Policy shall prevail for the Services.

※ About nwm Connect
nwm Connect is a mobile application that supports products which carry the Company’s nwm brand.

Article 1. Categories of Personal Information We Collect

Personal Information is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. The Company may collect the following categories of Personal Information about you when you use the Services:

  • Identifiers, such as your name, user name, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, account name
  • Contact information, such as email address
  • Commercial information, including records of products or services that you purchased, obtained, or considered
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as information about your interactions with our application
  • Inferences drawn from any of the categories of information above

Article 2. How We Collect Personal Information

Company may collect your Personal Information from the following categories of sources:

  • From you directly
  • Automatically from your device when you use nwm Connect
  • From third-party authentication providers

Company may collect your Personal Information as follows:

When you create a nwm Connect account with the Company

  • To use the Services, you must create a nwm Connect account with the Company and authenticate your account using (1) a third-party authentication provider, such as Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. (hereinafter, “Authentication Provider”) or (2) your email address. In this process, the Company will obtain your user name with the Authentication Provider and email address.
  • If you authenticate your nwm Connect account with an Authentication Provider, we may, in addition to the above, obtain from the Authentication Provider information that allows us to authenticate your account, which, depending on which Authentication Provider you select, may include information such as your name and an access token.
  • If you authenticate your nwm Connect account through your email address, the Company will create a unique user ID based on the information you provided, such as name, email address, and password.
  • When you create a nwm Connect account, the Company will obtain information about your nwm Connect account usage, including access status.

Automatically through your use of nwm Connect

We automatically collect the following information about your use of nwm


  • Time stamp and log information for use of nwm Connect on your device on which nwm Connect is installed (hereinafter, “App-Installed Device”).
  • Read/unread information for notifications displayed by the Company on the App-Installed Device.

We automatically collect the following information about the App-Installed


  • Tokens issued by the Firebase Cloud Messaging
    Please see the link below for details of Firebase Cloud Messaging.

    Firebase Cloud Messaging (

    Please see the link below for details of information to be collected. If you would not like such information collected, you can opt out through the settings of nwm Connect as stipulated in Article 4.

We automatically collect the following information about your headphone product connected to the App-Installed Device and detected by nwm Connect or registered with nwm Connect (hereinafter, “Related Device”):

  • Device type ID and device ID of the Related Device (e.g., MAC address of the Related Device, specifications, and other relevant information such as device nickname)
  • Operational status and configuration information of the Related Device
  • Dates of connection between the Related Device and nwm Connect
  • Serial number of Related Device

Information about the shape of your ears

  • Photographs of the customer's ears taken by thecustomer using NWM CONNECT
  • HRTF data created by analyzing photos of thecustomer's ears
  • Photographs of your ears will be deletedimmediately after the analysis is completed.

Article 3. Purposes for Collecting and Processing Personal Information

The Company collects and processes Personal Information in connection with the Services as follows:

  • To provide the Services, including create and service accounts, verify your identity, and provide customer service
  • To provide updates to nwm Connect or the Related Device

    ※nwm Connect sends requests to the Company’s server to check for firmware updates for nwm Connect or the Related Device. When an update becomes available, the Company will send you a URL for obtaining the firmware image.
  • To respond to your inquiries and send you information, including technical notices, updates, alerts, or other messages related to your account

    ※When you use the Contact Us function, the Company may provide you with information that you request.
  • To conduct marketing and analytics to improve our Services based on browsing history, cookie information, and information about personal interests and preferences
  • To maintain and improve the Services, including debugging to identify and repair errors, and ensure the security and integrity of the Services
  • As we believe necessary or appropriate to comply with applicable laws; to comply with lawful requests and legal process, including to respond to requests from government authorities; to enforce this Policy; and to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of you or others
  • Optimization of the acoustic characteristics ofspatial acoustics
  • For other purposes incidental to the above purposes for processing
  • For any new or additional purpose for which you are notified and, if applicable, provide consent

Article 4. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company may disclose Personal Information to the following categories of third parties for the purposes described in Article 3:

  • To service providers, vendors, business partners, or other third parties to which Company outsources all or part of the handling of Personal Information※ The Company may outsource the processing and analysis of Personal Information to third parties for the purposes described in Article 3. These third parties include auditors, lawyers, tax advisors and other consultants, as well as IT service providers and data hosting providers (such as Amazon Web Services).※ In order for nwm Connect to offer push notification functionality, the Company uses Firebase and Android Transport Layer by Google for Android users, and Apple Push Notification Service by Apple and Firebase by Google for iOS users. Apple and Google are U.S. businesses. Information about their privacy practices can be found at (Google) and (Apple)
    When Firebase Analytics is in operation, collected information will be sent to Google Analytics automatically by Firebase Cloud Messaging. If you would not like your information regarding usage of nwm Connect to be collected, you can opt out through the settings of nwm Connect.
  • We may disclose Personal Information to members of our corporate family
  • We may disclose Personal Information to third parties in connection with a business transaction, such as a merger or restructuring
  • We may disclose Personal Information to third parties such as law enforcement, courts, or regulators for legal purposes
  • We may share your Personal Information with third parties with your consent

The table below describes the categories of Personal Information that we collected and the categories of third parties to which, in the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed Personal Information:

HTML Table Generator
Category of Personal Information Categories of third parties to which we disclose Personal Information for business purposes
Identifiers Internet service providers, data analytics providers
Contact information Internet service providers, data analytics providers
Commercial information Internet service providers, data analytics providers
Internet or other electronic network activity Internet service providers, data analytics providers
Inferences drawn from other Personal Information Internet service providers, data analytics providers

We do not knowingly sell or share Personal Information, including Personal Information about individuals under 16 years of age.

Article 5. Retention of Personal Information

The Company will retain Personal Information that it collects for the duration of our relationship with you and as long as necessary for the purposes described in Article 3, or as permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations.

Notwithstanding the statement above, the Company may retain Personal Information as required to respond to legal requests and demands from you or third parties.

The Company will delete or deidentify Personal Information in accordance with the Company’s information security policy once we no longer need to retain it. Deidentified data will be maintained and used in deidentified form, and the Company will not attempt to re-identify any deidentified data.

Article 6. Privacy Rights for U.S. Residents

Depending on where you reside in the U.S., you may have the following rights with respect to your Personal Information:

  • Right to access your Personal Information - You may have the right to request a copy of the specific pieces of Personal Information that Company has collected about you in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format.
  • Right to know how your Personal Information is processed - You may have the right to confirm that we have collected your Personal Information and know what Personal Information we have collected about you, including, as applicable, the categories of Personal Information we have collected, the sources from which we collected that Personal Information, the business or commercial purposes for which we collected that Personal Information, the categories of Personal Information that we disclosed to third parties for business purposes and the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed Personal Information.
  • Right to request deletion of your Personal Information - You have the right to request that Company delete the Personal Information we have collected from you.
  • Right to correct your Personal Information - You may have the right to update inaccurate Personal Information that we process about you.
  • Right to be free from discrimination - We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under this Article, and we will not deny you goods or services, charge you a different price, or provide you with a lesser quality of goods or services if you exercise any of your rights.

If you wish to make a request, please use the contact information in Article 8. Your request should include your name, preferred contact information, and the nature of your request, including which rights you would like to exercise. In order to verify your identity, the Company will request the user ID of your nwm Connect account and information about your account usage, such as date you last used the account and compare it to the information the Company has on file.

You may also authorize an agent (“Authorized Agent”) to exercise your rights on your behalf. To do this, you must provide your Authorized Agent with written permission to exercise your rights on your behalf, and we may request a copy of this written permission from your Authorized Agent when they make a request on your behalf.

Article 7. Revisions to Privacy Policy

The Company may change the contents of this Policy from time to time and in its sole discretion. We will notify you of any material changes to the Policy in accordance with applicable law, such as on the nwm branded site, through use of the notice feature in nwm Connect, or through other methods. Unless otherwise provided by the Company, the revised Policy shall take effect upon posting.

Article 8. Contact for Inquiries

For questions about this Policy, requests under provisions in Article 6, appeals of a response to a request made under Article 9, or complaints regarding the handling of Personal Information, please contact:

Address: 3-20-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 163-1432
Company name: NTT sonority, Inc.
Responsible Department: Corporate Department
Email address:

Last updated: 9th Aug, 2024