Personalized Sound Zone (PSZ)
70+ years of audio research, trial, and error to minimize sound leakage by manipulating the very physics of sound.

The paradox of personal sound
By nature, sound is vibration that spreads in all directions. Leakage is not just a side effect of sound, but its physical property. Traditional earphones force sound inside your ear with snugly fitted speakers that block your ears - a suboptimal compromise.
We don’t fight sound leakage: we neutralize it. nwm embraces the multidirectionality of sound to your advantage, playing perfectly opposite audio waves to counteract sound leakage.

How PSZ feels like
PSZ technology uses noise cancellation principles to create an inverted sound wave that neutralizes noise spillage outside of your ear, providing a first-of-its-kind personal sound experience.

The Journey from Concept to Product
It all started with a simple, yet revolutionary idea: confining free sound to a defined area around your ear.
After countless simulations, trial and error, we learned how to play opposite-phase sound waves that cancel sound leakage within only centimeters from your ear.
Creating Personalized Sound Zones was only half the battle. We needed to trim down the size of the speaker units, the waveform emitters, and the cavity of the enclosure to an earphone size.
The end result is an earphone concept never seen before: on-ear speakers that achieve optimal sound pressure and quality with virtually zero sound leakage. All in an ergonomic form factor that’s a pleasure to wear.
Meet the nwm earphone family

Why we do it

Imagine hearing your telecommuting partner's voice in an open office, your child's voice at any time, or your favorite song in a crowd. With NTT Sonority technology, you control the sounds you hear.